In order to always win on life slot, you have to decrease the risk range, to the minimum, selecting numbers from 1 to 255. The prize in this case will be the same as the fee you are paying to play.
How do i withdraw my prize?
There is no withdraw, life slot pays you instantly if you win.
Can i withdraw my bet and my money if i change my mind?
No, but thats a funny question, can you do it in a real life slot?
How many contracts there are to compose life slot?
Life slot is composed by a single smart contract.
Why the wheel keeps on spinning for very long time?
If you want to see the whell spinning for a shorther time you can increase the gas you are providing to the ethereum miners so they can pick your transaction quickly.
What is metamask?
Metamask is a browser plugin which allows you to run a ethereum wallet in the browser. You can create a wallet, send little money to it and use it while browsing your favorite sites which support metamask.
Why can't we play on Life Slot using another smart contract?
For security reasons playing from smart contracts has been disabled, please use our dapp interface